Լեզվական նորմ. նորմավորման չափանիշները

  • Յուրի Ավետիսյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: linguistic norm, tradition, sign, standard, prevalence, productivity, conformity with laws, regulation


All the grammarians who have expressed their opinions about language development or varieties of language have to some extent dealt with the problems of language standardization. There are differences of opinion both in the theoretical understanding of the problem and the criteria preferences of language regulation. But among these opinions there are approaches which stand out from the rest. They allow us to define the concept of linguistic norm with some essential features and to determine some universal principles, which, in our opinion, can be defined as follows: public recognition and perception of language medium, the conformity with the inner development of the language, linguistic tradition, clearly expressing the content of the concept, the formalarticulatory features of linguistic reality, functional flexibility – productivity, the use of language sign by a well-known person enjoying authority or by this or that social group.
