Հայոց ցեղասպանության հիմնախնդիրների լուսաբանումը կապիտան Սենյոբոսի կողմից

  • Վարուժան Պողոսյան


This article is dedicated to the analysis of the elucidation of the fundamentals of the Armenian Genocide by H. Seignobos – as a member of French
eastern military mission before unleashing World War I, and a French military figure captain who carried out work on a broad scale in Constantinople until 1914. The concept of the Armenian Genocide of the author was reflected in his book entitled “Turks and Turkey” published in Paris in 1920, which has a great significance as source study. He reveals from the impartial position the barbaric collective thinking of Turks, the main causes of the Armenian Genocide, proves that the Hamidian and Young Turks’ regimes implemented that on the level of state policy.

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