Արևմտահայ փախստականների տեղավորման քաղաքականությունը նորաստեղծ Հայաստանի առաջին Հանրապետությունում

  • Կարեն Հայրապետյան ԵՊՀ


The issue of the refugees had a great significance for the national authorities of the newly established first Republic of Armenia. For this reason, the state policy of refugees was formulated in the first program document of the newly formed government. Subsequently, the policy of refugees was legislatively formulated by the parliament of the republic. It was called the refugee accommodation policy. On the basis of this policy was the accommodation of refugees in their previous or new residences. The latter were mainly attributed to Western Armenian refugees who were placed in abandoned or orphaned lands. However, in this small republic such lands were not enough. For this reason, the authorities of the republic were forced to place refugees in villages inhabited by local residents. Those steps aroused discontent of the local residents, in some Tatar settlements even resistance took place. Some regions of the republic with a dense Muslim population refused to obey the newly established republic’s authorities. In such cases appropriate enforcement measures were taken over local muslim population. An example of application of Western Armenian refugee accommodation policy and Eastern Armenian refugee homecoming policy was the military-political events carried out in Milli canyon of Garni region in September-November 1918.

Author Biography

Կարեն Հայրապետյան, ԵՊՀ

Հայոց պատմության ամբիոնի դասախոս, պատմական գիտությունների թեկնածու (k.hayr58@rambler.ru)

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