Անդրկովկասի արտաքին քաղաքական դրությունը Բաթումի դիվանագիտական բանակցության նախօրեին (1918 թ. ապրիլ)

  • Գեղամ Պետրոսյան ԵՊՀ


Turkey took Batumi, Ardahan and Kars with military force. Under its pressure, Transcaucasia was separated from Russia and declared itself an independent state. The independence of Transcaucasia not only freed Turkey from the obligations of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but also gave it a new opportunity for territorial invasion. Germany demanded that Turkey cease its military promotion and territorial seizures in the region and sit at the diplomatic table of negotiations with Transcaucasia. Geopolitical and economic interests of Germany forced him to take control of Georgia and Azerbaijan. Under this pressure, in 1918 a German-Turkish secret treaty was signed in Constantinople on April 27, according to which Transcaucasia was divided into spheres of influence between Turkey and Germany. On the same day, to circumvent the German-Turkish treaty, Turkey secretly signed a memorandum with the Musafats, which opened the way for the Turks to Baku oil. On April 28, Turkey agreed to sit at the diplomatic table of negotiations with Transcaucasia.

Биография автора

Գեղամ Պետրոսյան, ԵՊՀ

միջազգային հարաբերությունների ֆակուլտետի դեկան, պատմական գիտությունների դոկտոր, պրոֆեսոր (gegham.petrosyan@ysu.am)
