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  • Թադևոս Տոնոյան ԵՊՀ
Keywords: տեքստ, համատեքստ, խոսք, բան, նախադասություն, շարահյուսական ամբողջություն, ասելիք, լեզվամտածողական համակարգ


At present, one of the most problematic terms in the humanities is the text. What is called a text, has not yet been determined, but we can specify the peculiarities of the text, work out principles of classifying them, distinguish them according to their type.

Any speech-text created within the limits of a given language mentality is a part of the given context (i.e. totality of texts created in the given language) regardless of whether their narrative, thematic generality, connection are expressed or not. If the whole text is not known, it is difficult to guess it with some parts of it. The complex totality preserving syntactic independence and completeness, can not be clearly considered as a syntactic unit as it is impossible to determine the degree of its independence and completeness. There are, to some extent, the independence and completeness, but there are no the syntactic standard, boundary clarity.

It is just the utterance-content that creates such textual segments and unifies them and the speaker is trying to thoroughly represent it according to the principle of general intention.

Each text is actually the part of another text, any text is the reason of some other text, as well as the consequence of another.

The speech can’t practically cover the whole utterance completely, it becomes a cause, stimulus, and requirement so that some new textual segment could be created and some other, new concrete text in the context. Texts exist because it is impossible to do without speech which is the prerequisite for the existence of civilization.

A text is never complete, even trying to keep the integrity, it never becomes complete

Author Biography

Թադևոս Տոնոյան, ԵՊՀ

Հայոց լեզվի ամբիոնի դոցենտ, բանասիրական գիտությունների թեկնածու (aghbyur@yandex.com)
