Հայոց խաչելության առաջին հուշամատյանը

  • Արծրուն Ավագյան ԵՊՀ


The article refers to the authentic and historical material included in the book “Memorial to April 11” by Western Armenian literary figure Teodik printed in 1919 and reprinted in 2010 in Istanbul. The author particularly expresses the opinion that this book is the first memorial in the Armenian reality perpetuating the memory of the Armenian writers, intellectuals, national activists, religious people and representatives of other social strata who became victims of the Armenian Genocide. If, on the one hand, it proves the innocence of the victims, on the other hand it confirms the truth that they were all the bearers of freedom-loving ideals of their nation, they were people of high moral values, and true patriots devoted to the interests of the nation. The author comes to the conclusion that Turkey had planned and carried out the Armenian Genocide being indifferent towards possible responsibility and vengeance. Therefore, Teodik’s book is not only in memory of the dead but it is also directed to the thoughts and activities of the living, saying that forgetting the slaughter and adapting themselves to it is unacceptable and that it should not be repeated anymore.

Author Biography

Արծրուն Ավագյան, ԵՊՀ

Հայ բանասիրության ֆակուլտետի դեկան, բանասիրական գիտությունների դոկտոր, պրոֆեսոր

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